What Is A Fireman

He's the guy next door.

He's a man's man with the sharp memory of a little boy who never got over the excitement of engines and sirens and smoke and danger.

He's a guy like you and me with warts and worries and unfilled dreams.

Yet he stands taller than most of us.

He's a fireman. galva fire department logo

He puts it all on the line when the bell rings.

A fireman is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of men.

He's a man who savors life because he has seen too much death.

He's a gentle man because he has seen too much of the awesome power of violent forces out of control.

He's a man responsive to a child's laughter because his arms have held too many bodies that will never laugh again.

He's a man who appreciates the simple pleasures of life...coffee held in numbed, unbending fingers...the flush of fresh air pumping through smoke and fire convulsed lungs...a warm bed for bone and muscle compelled beyond feeling...the camaraderie of brave men...the divine peace of selfless service and a job well done in the name of all men.

He doesn't wear buttons or wave flags or shout obscenities and when he marches, it is to honor a fallen comrade.

He doesn't preach the brotherhood of man, he lives it.

-- R.V. Reeves, from the back cover of History of Galva Fire Department: 1879 - 1999 authored by Sally Nelson, with illustrated front cover by Patty Collinson.

What We Do

The all volunteer Galva Fire Department helps protect life and property within the corporate limits of the City of Galva. Additionally, the Department assists when asked and takes the lead when necessary to protect life and property outside the corporate limits via established mutual aid agreements pursuant to its membership in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS).

The Department specializes in fire suppression, vehicle extrication and disaster services.


What We Operate

We staff and operate one (1) Fire Rescue Van and two (2) engines out of two stations, the first of which is located at 210 Front Street and the second of which is located at 320 S. E. 2nd Street.

Whenever any analysis or any commodity or material is reasonably necessary to secure conformance with any ordinance provision or to detect violations thereof, it shall be the duty of any licensee of the Municipality whose business is governed by such provision to give to any authorized officer or employee of the Municipality requesting the same, sufficient samples or such material or commodity for such analysis upon request.